Monday, September 6, 2010

Air Terjun Mahua

Air Terjun Mahua, originally uploaded by jawdz.

Sabah is a great place to be. Too bad I was there only for a few days and I didnt get to go to the islands. Anyway, I managed to find my way to Tambunan thanks to a colleague, Clarice and family who have been so hospitable during my brief stay there.

I got drenched, by just taking this, the force of the water falling is strong, with a thunderous roar and cause strong misty wind to wet me and my camera.

Sunny Day and Curls

Sunny Day and Curls, originally uploaded by jawdz.

I like the hair colour! I looks like mahogany and contrast with the whole pic.

Lily Gal

Lily Gal, originally uploaded by jawdz.

A favorite shot of mine though slightly overexposed. Anyway, I like the way the sun lights the dress, not in a harsh way.


Angelic, originally uploaded by jawdz.

Taken at Jong Crocodile Farm.
Quite a beautiful place expecially the lily pond.
The model is quite experience too and the weather was just nice.